Women's Health: What's The Link Between Adult Acne And Your Hormones?
If you're an adult female in your 30s or 40s who suffers from mild to severe acne, you want solutions for your problem skin now and not later. A dermatologist, who treats conditions of the skin, hair and nails, offers the best solutions to improve the condition of your skin. Until you see the doctor, learn how your hormones affect your skin and what you can do to fight it.
What Role Does Your Hormones Play in Adult Acne?
If you're like other women who suffer from adult acne, you probably try different things to get rid of it, including rubbing mashed bananas and yogurt all over your face. But to clear up your skin or reduce the severity of your breakouts, you need to address and treat the underlying cause of your adult acne — your hormones.
Although the average starting age for menopause is 51, it can affect you in your 30s and 40s. Doctors refer to this problem as early or premature menopause. Early menopause slows down the reproduction your female hormones and increases the growth of your male hormones.
The male hormone testosterone regulates the health and growth of skin cells called sebocytes. Sebocytes make the fats and oils your skin needs to stay moist and healthy. When your estrogen levels are normal, testosterone slows down and sebocytes only make as much oils and fats as your skin needs. When your estrogen decreases, testosterone takes over.
Testosterone encourages your skin to produce more oils and fats than it needs. The extra substances widen your skin's pores until they become inflamed and infected. Bacteria from your environment, such as dirt, penetrate the open pores and form white pustules, blackheads and cysts.
Your regular doctor prescribes medications that balance the hormones in your body. But to get rid of your acne and keep it away, the doctor refers you to a dermatologist for skin treatment.
What Can Your Dermatologist Do for Your Acne?
A dermatologist prescribes acne-fighting medications that break down the fats and oils found inside of your skin pores. The treatments vary, but laser skin therapy is a popular option that fights adult acne as well as heals the scars acne leaves behind on your skin. It does this by removing the top layer of dead skin from your face and other body areas and by increasing the cells of your skin that make new tissue.
Until your visit the dermatologist, try these tips below to reduce the inflammation and irritation in your face, neck and chest:
- Use baby soap to wash your face and neck area. Baby soap doesn't contain harmful chemicals, such as dyes and fragrances, to irritate your acne.
- Moisturize your skin with mashed avocados. The healthy oils in avocado fruit don't aggravate your current acne, but sooth, hydrate and heal your skin instead.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water per day to flush out bacteria and other impurities in your skin.
Use the above home remedies for at least a week, or until you see your skin doctor for acne treatment.
If you want to get rid of your skin blemishes, contact a dermatologist in your area or ask your regular doctor for a referral.