Recovery Tips For Your Tummy Tuck
If you're planning on having a tummy tuck, you should be prepared for the recovery period after the procedure. Whether you're planning on having a full or mini tummy tuck, you'll need to be prepared for a long recovery. A tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin around the abdominal area, removal of cellulite via liposuction and tightening of stomach muscles for a flat tummy. A lot of women have excess skin after pregnancy and turn to a plastic surgeon for help. The recovery time after the procedure can be painful, see below for some tips to help aid you in your recovery.
A Good Support System
Be sure to have a good support system in place after your procedure. You'll need family or friends to help take care of you, as you'll most likely have drainage tubes that you'll need help taking care of, as well as needing help getting up and down from your bed or a chair. Don't be afraid to ask for help; you're going to need it if you want your recovery to go smoothly.
Elastic Wraps
This is another type of support that you'll need. Elastic wraps or shorts/pants with a tight elastic front will help control swelling and fluid build-up.
Drink plenty of water to help keep you hydrated after your procedure. Keep a pitcher or a large tumbler filled with water next to you at all times. This way you won't have to get up to get more water when needed.
You'll be very swollen in your lower abdomen after the procedure and the last thing you'll want to do is wear a tampon. Invest in some pads instead to wear if you happen to have your period during your recovery time.
Dry Shampoo
You aren't supposed to get your incisions wet after your procedure (your plastic surgeon will give you a time frame), so your hair will begin to get quite a bit greasy. If you feel up to washing your hair in the sink, go for it, but if not, use a dry shampoo instead.
Sleeping will be difficult following your procedure. You aren't going to want to sleep flat on your back for a few days, so try sleeping in a recliner or in a reclining position. If you don't have a recliner, you can add pillows to the top of your bed, behind your back and then add pillows beneath your legs to give you the same type of positioning.
Your recovery will go smoothly if you plan your recovery ahead of time. Have all of these items in place so they are at your house when you get out of the hospital. More than anything, be patient with your body; it will take time to recover, so don't push it. Take the time that you need and ask for help when you need it. For more tips, contact a professional such as Body Spectrum Plastic Surgery Center - Bruce R Barton MD.