How To Protect You Aging Eyes: Steps To Staying Healthy
As people age, their bodies begin to change. These changes are not always noticeable at first. This includes changes to your eyes. In fact, most people do not notice the changes or the development of eye disorders until they are very well-advanced. However, if you are proactive about your eye health as you age, you can help to not only detect eye disorders early, but even prevent them. All you need to do is adjust your regular routine slightly and your eyes will go through the aging process with minimal disruptions to your vision and overall eye health.
Get Regular Eye Exams
As you age, frequent medical checkups become more and more important. This includes trips to the eye doctor. You should make it a point to get an eye test once every one to two years to ensure that no issues have developed.
Your regular eye exam will test your vision to see if you need new or updated eye glasses or other corrective lenses, will test for glaucoma, and can even detect other disorders including cataracts and diabetes. So, do not skip out on your regular visits to the eye doctor. They can make a major difference in your eye and overall health.
Wear Sunglasses Regularly
Just like your skin needs protection from the sun through the application of sunscreen, your eyes need protection from the sun. This can be accomplished simply by wearing sunglasses regularly.
Sunglasses provide your eyes with protection from UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun that could cause visual disturbances and may even be a contributing factor to the development of cataracts. So, get yourself a few pairs of stylish sunglasses with a high UV rating.
Eat Your Vegetables
Remember when your mom always lectured you about eating all of your vegetables? Well, it turns out mother really does always know best. To maintain your eye health as you age, you need to be sure to get the proper nutrition your eyes need.
Green, leafy vegetables in particular are excellent for eye health. They contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Additionally they are full of beta-carotene which the body metabolizes and converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is known as the vision vitamin and is particularly effective at protecting eyesight.
Additionally, yellow or orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash are excellent food to incorporate into your diet for eye health.
Making small changes to your regular routines and habits can help protect your aging eyes. All you need to do is give these a try and you can maintain proper eye health from many years to come. Talk to your eye doctor, such as someone from Webster Eye Care Associates, for more information.