Suggestions For Eliminating Mold In Your Home To Prevent Allergy Issues
If you've just learned that you're allergic to mold or you haven't been tested but you believe this to be the case, you want to do all that you can to keep your home a healthy place. If you're not careful, mold can grow in your home and leave you suffering as a result. While you should be proactive with cleaning the entire home, there are also some additional things to do in order to keep mold at bay. Here are some suggestions for eliminating mold in your home.
Air Out The Bathroom
The bathroom in your home has the potential to become a moldy environment because it's often damp. To avoid the growth of mold — and the expense and hassle of cleaning it up, in addition to the health issues it may cause, you should get into the habit of airing out this room after each shower and bath. If the bathroom has a window, the simplest thing to do is to open the window and allow the fresh air to blow into the space. Close the window only when the surfaces in the bathroom are dry to the touch. If there's no window present, running the fan after each bath and shower is effective for drying out the area and reducing the risk of mold growth that will affect your allergies.
Run A Dehumidifer
It's common for the basement of your home to be damp. As a result, you may begin to notice allergy-related symptoms when you spend a prolonged amount of time in this part of your home. An effective way to reduce the dampness — and thus the risk of mold growth — in the basement is to run a dehumidifer. This device will pull the moisture from the air and collect it in a tub, which you'll need to manually dump down the drain or outside at regular intervals. You can buy dehumidifiers that will automatically begin to run when the humidity in the room reaches a certain level.
Open Windows When Cooking
You might not think much about how your cooking contributes to the humidity level in your home, but the reality is that the manner in which you cook can increase humidity, which can increase the risk of mold growth. This is especially true if you frequently boil water to cook pasta or vegetables, for example. You can manage this risk by opening the kitchen window while you cook. Doing so will allow the excess humidity to escape, helping to keep the house as dry as possible. If you're concerned about how you feel in moldy environments, make sure to book an allergy test promptly. Your allergist can help.