4 Tips For Preventing Hair Loss In Women

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For most women, noticeably thinning hair or hair loss around the hair line can be quite alarming. While hair loss in women can be genetic, in many cases mild hair loss is caused by a number of factors that can be changed. If you're a woman who is experiencing hair loss, being proactive about hair loss prevention is one way to fix the problem and prevent mild hair loss from becoming severe hair loss. Use the following tips to help prevent hair loss:

Wear Your Hair Down

Many hairstyles, such as very tight pony tails or buns, can cause a lot of damage to the hair. The action of pulling the hair tightly back can break the delicate hairs along the hair line, leading to hair loss in the area. One thing you can do to prevent this is to wear your hair down as often as possible. If you do need to wear your hair up, choose a loose style and use an elastic band that does not have any metal parts that can become tangled in your hair.

Say Goodbye to High-Heat Hair Tools

Heat is one of the biggest enemies of human hair. However, many women use blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons on a daily basis. If you're experiencing hair loss, it is best to take a break from using high-heat hair tools on a daily basis. Consider letting your hair air dry a few days a week, and find a few hair styles that don't require the use of a flat iron or curling iron. On days that you do use high-heat hair tools, make sure to use a heat-protecting hair spray beforehand.

Use a Topical Medication

If you're very uncomfortable with the amount of hair that you have lost, you may want to consider using an over-the-counter topical medication that can be purchased at the drug store. This type of topical medication is designed to stimulate hair follicles and promote new hair to grow. Best results can take several months to show up, but many people have had success using topical medication on their scalps to regrow hair and prevent further hair loss.

Know When to Seek Medical Help

In the event that you're losing a lot of hair or developing bald spots, it is important to know when to see a doctor. Hair loss in women can sometimes be a symptom of other health problems that need to be addressed. A doctor will give you a full exam, run some blood tests, and then develop a treatment plan for underlying conditions as well as the hair loss. 
