4 Types Of Rehabilitation

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Rehabilitation is a catch-all term for many different treatments. Overall, however, it is designed to help prevent or treat many problems, such as limited mobility. If you would like to know more, check out these four different types of rehabilitation.

1. Preventative

As the name suggests, preventative rehabilitation is designed to help prevent future complications. This type of rehabilitation is usually started after a new diagnosis or impairment. The goal is to get a head start to help offset the limited mobility the condition may bring.

Some people start preventative rehabilitation before a major surgery, such as knee replacement surgery. This helps with the recovery process because the area around the joint is healthier and stronger. You can also undergo preventative rehabilitation if you are prone to injuries or you undergo activities that could lead to an injury, such as high-impact sports.

2. Restorative

Restorative rehabilitation is probably what you picture when you think of rehabilitation. This is often done after a surgery, illness, or major trauma. The goal of restorative rehabilitation is to restore movement, flexibility, strength, and range of motion.

This type of therapy can include physical therapy, but it also may include occupational therapy and speech therapy, depending on why you need it. For example, someone who had knee surgery probably only needs physical therapy, but someone recovering from a stroke may need all three types of therapies because they may need to learn how to speak clearly again or write again.

3. Supportive

In some cases, restorative rehabilitation isn't enough. For example, if you broke your back and lost the ability to use your legs, restorative rehabilitation may work for some people, but many people will remain paralyzed. This is where supportive rehabilitation comes into play.

This type of rehabilitation is designed to help you better adjust to your new life by coming up with other ways to perform tasks. This may include using self-help devices or relearning how to do everyday activities differently.

4. Palliative

In extreme cases, palliative rehabilitation is needed. This type of rehabilitation is designed to help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. People undergoing palliative rehabilitation may also need assistive devices, such as breathing devices or pain management strategies. Above all, this type of care is designed to make the patient comfortable.

Different people need different types of rehabilitation, but all forms are designed to help you improve your quality of life. Whether you're preventing future complications or trying to learn a new way to live, rehabilitation can help. If you would like to know more, contact a clinic like Dominion Physical Therapy.
