Corrective Eye Surgery Vs. Eyeglasses | Which Option Is Right For You
For those who need corrective lenses, the choice between glasses and corrective eye surgery, like LASIK, can be a difficult one. Both options have pros and cons, so it is important to understand what each entails to make an informed decision about which option is right for you. Here's a closer look at the differences.
Eyeglasses are a type of corrective lens that fits over the eyes and corrects refractive errors by focusing light directly onto the retina, which helps to reduce blurriness and improve overall vision quality. Glasses require regular replacement every year or so due to wear and tear on the frames themselves, scratches on the lenses, and changes in prescription strength over time. They also require daily upkeep to keep them free from smudges or dirt buildup that can decrease visual clarity.
Corrective Eye Surgery
Corrective eye surgery is a surgical procedure that reshapes the cornea to improve your vision. It is a permanent solution with minimal recovery time, and you can expect improved vision almost immediately.
LASIK is a common eye corrective surgery that uses laser technology to reshape the eye's cornea and improve vision. It is generally considered a safe and effective option for most people. LASIK surgery typically requires only one visit to the doctor's office and results in clear vision almost immediately afterward.
Long-Term Solution
Neither option is a one-and-done solution. As stated above, eyeglasses need to be replaced regularly as your vision quality often decreases with age. Patients who were once unable to see far away without their glasses may find that they have trouble reading small print as well. Upgrading to bifocal or progressive lenses can help, however.
LASIK and other corrective eye surgeries have better results. Many patients report improved vision for several years without needing any additional treatment. It should be noted, however, that corrective eye surgery cannot slow the natural aging process. Patients that correct their ability to see far may still lose their ability to read small print as they age, especially if they are genetically predisposed to do so. LASIK can only correct one problem or the other.
Both corrective eye surgery and eyeglasses offer their own unique advantages depending on your individual needs, making it important to weigh all factors when making your decision. LASIK surgery may be ideal for those looking for permanent results with minimal maintenance required after the procedure itself has been completed. On the other hand, eyeglasses are often less expensive and require less commitment than undergoing a surgical procedure. Ultimately, your doctor will be able to help you decide which option is best suited for your individual needs.